Finding The Best Anti Spam Solutions

>> Thursday, July 15, 2010

Before you start finding the best anti spam solutions, there are some simple steps that you will have to take care in order to avoid spam. Make sure that you share your email ID with only those whom you know well. For other services, make use of email services that are web based. Beware of spam bots. They are programs that are made to accumulate the email IDs throughout the net for preparing a mailing list. This list is used to send all unsolicited mails to users.

Try to use the form of email that do not does not display your address in the webpage code. Install various kinds of anti-virus and other anti-spyware programs. Keep updating the version frequently. Email configuration should be done to disable the features that identify an email while you are downloading some images.

The Best Anti Spam Programs in the Market

Easy Anti Spam Solutions at your Service Now that you have taken all the basic precautionary measures, it is time to look for the program oriented anti spam filters. You can use the SpamPal identifies the well known spammers with the help of spam blacklists. eXpurgate, requiring two different email IDs, works well in filtering spam. POPFile are very effective in categorizing and separating the unsolicited mails from the personal messages.

For POP accounts, Death2Spam is extremely effective. MailWasher Pro is secure and a time-saving spam filter that also protect your computer from viruses. Some of the other effective spam filters include Spam Bully, Spam Inspector, and Zaep. Another effective spam filter is the Spamihilator that takes the help of Bayesian filters to protect the email accounts.

Spam Filtering For Small Businesses

You can even block the spam with the help of spam blockers. Anti spam for outlook includes Spam Bully that keeps your inbox free of spam. They work with Bayesian Spam Filter that makes use of artificial intelligence along with server blacklists to filter in only the wanted mails. They often put forth a password to be typed in correctly by unfamiliar sender so as to allow that mail into your inbox.

Some of them are pre programmed where the know spammers are inserted. They accordingly block them. Some of the programs filter the emails based on the keywords used in the mails. Some of the email spam filters are configured and can be easily customized. Thus, with some basic knowledge about spam and the anti spam software, you can easily find the best anti spam solutions.
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How to Choose Anti-Spam Filter?

>> Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The damage spam brings you is huge: loss of time, bandwidth and money, risk to delete a legitimate message together with junk emails. So, an anti-spam filter is not a whim but a necessity for almost all PC users who actively use email.

What criteria should you follow to choose the right spam filtering program? What capabilities must an anti-spam tool have to filter and cut off spam mail in most effective way?

Here are the main features a good anti-spam software must have to block spam effectively:

1) it should be a standalone spam filtering tool, which checks all incoming emails on the server, detects and deletes spam messages.

2) deletion of spam without receiving it in your inbox. This way you won't download all the superfluous kilobytes into your inbox and you won't see annoying spam mail.

3) powerful antispam filters built in one program that analyze the message from "outside" and "inside": message header, message body, and message source. Flexible whitelist and blacklist easy to edit and update are also very useful as they help save much time when filtering emails. Good anti-spam software must also have the Bayesian filter in its arsenal of spam filtering tools.

4) easy and safe method to preview emails marked as spam. Inherent in antispam technology is the fact that there will be false positives and false negatives, i.e., email can be flagged as spam even though it is not actually spam and vice versa.

5) flexible spam filtering. Spam emails should be moved to a separate folder. A good spam filtering software should provide the ability to recover an email if it was accidentally marked as spam and trashed.

Simply put, an anti-spam program must be a standalone, easy-to-use software supplied with powerful anti-spam filters able to be adjusted by every user for his personal needs. Now with all that said above you can choose the right anti-spam software among all spam filtering programs available on the Internet.
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P.P.S A spam filter is a program that is used to detect unsolicited and unwanted email and prevent those messages from getting to a user's inbox Just Visit Here

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